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Antibody Drug Conjugates - The curse of low solubility, high aggregation and low stability.


Explore how dPEG based linkers help overcome ADC development and function challenges with example use cases.

Originally conceptualized as the "magic bullets" for cancer treatment, antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) can selectively deliver cytotoxic "payloads" to malignant tissues, without significantly affecting the surrounding healthy tissue. However, the ability of ADCs to fulfill this vision is dependent on sev­eral factors, including the often overlooked and nuanced impact of ADC linker design.

To deliver maximum performance and efficacy while minimizing off target toxicity [2], the various parameters which affect ADCs' performance, such as the solubility, aggregation and stability of ADCs, must be optimized. A growing body of research has shown that multiple linker design parameters, including their architecture, hydrophilicity, stability and charge play a crucial role on ADC properties, along with the target, antibody, payload(s), drug to antibody ratio (DAR), conjugation chemistry, con­jugation site, etc., thereby affecting the success of ADCs.

This brochure showcases the ability of dPEG® based linkers to overcome challenges associated with low solubility, high aggregation and low stability of ADCs. Each of these challenges is described along with some published in-depth examples of the use of dPEG® linkers to overcome these challenges.

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